Sunday, 19 September 2010


                When I go to Canada (which is every summer pretty much) we go back we go to a small town. We almost always stay with my Grandparents on my mom’s side. It can be really annoying at their house. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE them to death but they make me do so much work! They make me do the dishes, paint to fence wash the floors, once they even made me re-paint the pinecones, I mean come on seriously! We spend most of our summer with my relatives from my mom’s side, because they all live in the small town. My mom has one sister and her daughter is my favorite cousin. We are not very close in age (3 years apart) but she’s the one I’m with the most and I’ve spent the most time with. When we spend summer with my dad’s side of the family it is a totally different experience. With my mom’s side of the Family they are very neat and tidy and I guess you could say posh. They like to get things done and have a nice time being mellower. Whereas on my dad’s side of the family unlike my mom’s family they are very loud people. Especially when there all together and they are arguing about something. My dad says it comes from their Italian blood. It really fun to be around all of my family it is just very different experiences.

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