Thursday 14 April 2011

Pro's and Con's

I do not really have a feeling towards blogging in English class. It is not something I wan't to do and it is not I don't want to do. But it is something that I have to do so I do it. What I do find annoying about blogging is that in my life only once in awhile in my life interesting stuff happens, and in blogging I don't like writing about random things, they have to be something worth writing about. So I am glad that the amount of posts that we had to write was reduced because then I can save the posts for the exciting things that I know are going to happen, like Caissa and spring break. A pro of blogging is that it is a creative way of writing. I would rather write on the blog then keep a writing journal like in my old school. Even though I don't really mind blogging I would rather not do it and do something else. I am not sure what else we could do instead of blogging. I'm just throwing idea's out but maybe we would do pen pals or something, it would be like blogging except between you and a person, then we could also learn how to write letters.