As you know this year I am new to my school. I have made very many friends, but there is this one girl who is very unique. When I first met her she was very nice to me and never left me out, I think she was being cautious of me because I was a new girl. Her characteristics are; short, olive skinned and has pretty hair. She is very girly and likes stuff such as make up, nail polish, and magazines.
She always makes my day because like I said she is a very funny person. Now that we know each other better she is not so cautious about me being the new girl and stuff. She is from Latin America and she has the coolest accent ever. I often make fun of her accent because she does not always say things properly. But I think it is ok when I make fun of it because she doesn’t take too seriously because she knows I am only fooling around. Lots of times she always says she hates me and not to talk to her and she doesn’t love me, and I always just smile and hug her and shes like “Uhhhh get away from me” but I know she loves me J She is so silly that when I asked her what I should write about for my blog, she said I should write about her, so I took her advice and did!